Corporate Governance

Our governance structure has internal policies and rules that govern the running of the company. We have a Board of Directors (BD) and an Executive Board. The Board of Directors is supported by the Risk and Audit Committee. The Executive Board is supported by internal committees:
Risk Committee, Ethics Committee, Credit Executive Committee and the Compliance Area.

corpo de executivos

Henrique Alexandre Mazzardo


He has been working at Fiagril since 2003, where he built his career in the Accounting, Financial, and Commercial areas, becoming President of the company in 2020. He has a wide and deep knowledge of Fiagril’s operations and of all the markets in which the company operates.

Wander Meyer


He has more than 35 years of professional experience, having worked as C-level in the world’s main trading companies, in operations in Brazil and also in international markets (USA, Mexico, and Paraguay). He joined Fiagril in 2021.

Guilherme Kummer

Origination and Biodiesel Director

He worked in the financial market at financial and brokerage institutions, joining Fiagril in 2004, working in the Commercial, Logistics and Risks areas, and now also working in Industrial Operations.

Dioneia Canci

People And Management Director

She started her professional career in 2007 at Fiagril, allocating 13 years of experience in Human Resources management for agribusiness. She has an MBA in marketing, branding and growth, certifications in BVC, insights discovery, MTBI and change management, as well as experience in M&A.

Akio Arashiro

Diretor de Riscos

Formado em Ciências Contábeis pela FEA/USP-SP e MBA em Agronegócios pela USP/ESALQ. Atuou por 19 anos em instituição financeira global, nas áreas de Tesouraria e Global Markets para Brasil e América Latina, em posições de liderança nas áreas de Governança Corporativa, Operações, Projetos Estratégicos, Controladoria, Risco e P&L. Ingressou na Fiagril em 2021.

Diego Arruda

Diretor de Vendas e Marketing

É formado em Agronomia pela Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) e Marketing pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) e Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa (Insper), ambas instituições em São Paulo. Com uma rica experiência abrangendo importantes papéis de liderança em vendas, marketing, digital e passagem pelas empresas MDM, Bayer, UPL e Agrofy.